Drinking party again at bryan's! Attendence was not as good but the main drinkers were there so its okay i guess.
me nisa bryan nick shao yudao jo
had to drink the scotch that nisa bought cause jo was gona be late with his vodka.
it hurts the throat damn bad :( and i was having sore throat wtf.
anyway bryan got drunk first i think.
and in the end, nisa and yudao puked.
i was fine ;D think i sobered up when they were puking.
the photos were so bad this time round because i entrusted my cam to shao for pictures, and they were all blurry :(
finally gave nick his cake after the drinking round! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ;Dnick's 'fake' present. toilet roll ;P
didnt have any pictures of the real present though.
anyway after the puking and me sobering up, we left yudao and nisa at bryan's and went to zouk at around1am. didnt really like the crowd and the music. i prefer songs with singing :(
but too bad since shao and i were fighting over whether to go zirca or zouk and i lost after he flipped a coin to decide.
wasnt high at all cause i didnt drink much at zouk at first.
wasnt until we went upstairs for 2nd round of drinks that i got high and by then it was almost time to leave.
not bad for my first time at zouk i think. oh and and. there was this AUNTIE dancing her life away on the centre podium. TOTAL RESPECT. wonder if i can do that 20yrs down the road ;D
got back to bryan's at like 5am? tried to sleep but strangely i wasnt tired AT ALL. ;O and i was hungry so i ended up watching 2 movies with nisa shao and yudao in the games room till morning.
dad came to fetch me from bryan's and i was forced to go practise driving. luckily i wasnt having any hangover or feeling dead. had to practise parking the car for the first time, without using the 'cheat line' like we do when we are parking in the circuit. went round and round the heavy vehicle carpark so many times and parked many times too. didnt practise till perfection but passable i think.
came home at 11 and i still wasnt tired. dont know what is wrong with me! found out that i lost another kg ;D and the only food i ate the whole of day till now is - some pocky at 5am, a slice of cheesecake that nice bryan's mum gave us, 2 prawns, some chips. didnt have lunch because my parents didnt want to go dabao for me and i was too lazy to do it myself either. but im still not hungry. WEIRD. with luck i just might be able to stay at 44kg ;D
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