Monday, April 25, 2011

finally understands how hard it is to earn $$

im doing like 3jobs today. my tiger balm office till 530pm, then i went to give tuition frm 730-9pm. i just reached home and need to do my other tuition admin work now.

but im like so tired now but i have no choice. the deadline is tml 930pm and where will i be at 930pm tml? bryan's hse playing mahjong hence i NEED to chiong finish the work today sigh.

JUST GAVE MY FIST EVER TUITION WOW ;D this sec 3 guy frm compassvale sec.
his parents generously bought me strawberry sundae, mac chicken and coke ;D hehe. diet plan epi phail but nvm. i must say tutoring is quite fun HAHA ;D the last time i did tutoring was when i was in p1 and we had peer mentoring? whereby the p5s and p6s tutored weak p1s and p2s. and no i wasnt there because i was weak. its cuz my bro was a mentor and i went to sch tgt with him and hence i became a 'mentor' there too. i was tutoring my fellow p1 frens. like wow. im so pro. IKNOW ;D

okay i need to go do my work now.

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