Sunday, April 3, 2011


yesterday was DDD! double date day :D
because someone wanted to singggg so we went KTV @ chinatown.
since kbox is like super ex on weekends cuz the $6promo thing is over :( so i had to go google and browse through forums to look for cheap ktvs (i did all this during office hrs i tink ;p) and TADA! i found this $10 KTV club at cheenatown! its like super worth it! 2pm-7pm of singing with free flow of drinks + 2 tibits + a bowl of sharks fin(?) each. and its $10 nett per person! cheap much! but it was kinda hard to find the place and i was the navigator for the day ;O ehh but i still managed to bring them there okay!

one down side is that if ur not a member, u cant call to bk the rms and so when we reached there, they only had one large (for 6) room left so we had no choice but to use that rm. each of us paid $15nett each. and i also made member. its like $5 for 5 years so yeaa quite cheap. can go back there again many many times ;D

okayy so anyway KTV KTV KTV! it wasnt like highhh high cuz i think the room was too big? the tv was like so far away LOL so it wasnt cosy enough. normally if i go kbox i'll like start jumping and dancing(?) ard! but uhhh ytd i didnt. we mostly just sat down and sang. BOOO.
i think there was only like 1-2 higher songs when i was singing uhh. I GOTTA FEEELING? lol with omo bromo. nvms. next time i'll go with like keejia and van then can get high! i think it feels super strange to not get high when im singing clubb songs! okay pics ;D

MY DATE (hahahaha) , ME and the two love birds. AIYOOOO

we sang frm like 230 to 7pm. think its the longest kbox ever!!! but i nvr tio sore throat or anything. sigh not enough screaming cuz i wasnt high enough :(
then we got the person there to help us take PEEEEKTURE ;D i like full shots nowww!
funnyface peeekture! june got cut off HA-HA

after that we went to walk around to look for a place to have dinner! walked around for quite some time cuz they had to qian jiu me. i wanted somewhere with AIRCON and i was also on budget. like i only had $10 left on me LOL
finally finally came to this cheeena restaurant. super reminded us of the china trip!! and rightt, ive nvr ever been to that part of chinatown before and i was like so amazeddddd. cuz it resembles china so much OMG. i know lah quite fail that i haven been to chinatown before ;X

we ordered like 3 dishes? 2 meat and 1 veg. ngehngeh. MY ROUROU ;P
i like this peekture! its like so food blogger style can ;D
so anyway after we finished the food, we stayed at the restaurant for like damn longgg! cuz we didnt know where to go. wanted to go sentosa boardwalk or pinnacle maybe but then we cldnt really decide so we just stayed at the restaurant and chatted and chatted and chatted. we left there at like 9pm? and we were their last customers LOL ;p think they were quite annoyed ;p hehe and we still got the waitress to help us take peekturesss

hahha i like the MONK PIC!!
I kept wanting to take full body shots cuz i was wearing my... TADA BOOOTSSSSSSSSS hahaha love my booots man!

anyways think my dress quite DARE-MURE lehhhs no? :P
after that they guys sent us back home. reached home ard 11+? and went to sleep soon after! i was so tireddd.


so anyway i think im like facing some crossroads in life! is still waiting patiently (or not) for smu's call. and acceptance letter from nus maybe? brother being super annoying. he asked his prof and he said smu biz minimum is ABB. uhh okay. and apparently SIS only started calling pple up for interviews recently like last wk? then he continues to give me shit abt my results. saying things like 'WHO ASK U GET SHIT RESULTS' or like 'WHO ASK U GO ACJC' wtf right i know. whats done cant be undone. u think i didnt regret not working hard? uhhh. not like i can do anything now right. other than wait patiently for my interview calls.
now im like super un-independent. (i know its dependent but just wanted to say un-smth) like i cant even make some decisions on my own. im not toking abt like major decisions like uni choices. even things like uhh. what handphone should i buy? i also cant come to a decision. damn it.
just last wk i was this close to buying the lg just that oh i didnt have $ haha. but im getting my pay this wk so it shld be fine. then my bro said he went to test the lg phone and its super laggy even tho its dual core. urgh. what to do?
htc is good i guess and price is almost same as lg. but its ugly i dont like ugly stuff. damn it.
iphone is pretty and easy to buy pretty casings for. but its so much more ex. like 100+ dollars more ex. and its like its alr been out for almost a yr. so outdated. + iphone5 is coming. so shld i wait for iphone5? i mean ive waited for like 4mths? maybe i shld wait for 4 more mths? but like... that'll mean i wun be using a new nice hp when i go uni. and it'll mean no 3g for another 4mths. damn. and my bro is like pestering me to return him his itouch. he is like forcing me to hurry up and buy my new phone. but i dont even know what phone to get. damn it
job wise. its so hard to look for a childcare who will wana hire me. i even went around all my neighbouring childcares to ask. and like my mum strongly discourages me frm working at a childcare. and to make her point across to me, im going to shadow her at work this friday at her childcare. and i wana give tuition to earn extra $$$ but so far no assignments yet.
this friday my license test. still not nevous now. everyone is expecting me to fail. my mum is like FAIL NVM , ALSO NOT LIKE UNIVERSITY OR SMTH. omg. like noone even thinks i can pass on my first attempt.

aishhh why do i have all these silly silly worries! another thing. i haven spoken to my babe for like a week now? the last thing i said to her was for her to not tok to me until she has completed her uni app. maybe i was too strict? but srsly the deadline was coming up and she was still taking her own sweet time with uni apps like wth. sometimes i feel the need to act as the older person and reprimand pple. but now. i just wana be what everyone tinks i am. the immature and childish one. i just wana be a small kid now. selfishly relying on everyone on everything.

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