Friday, March 11, 2011

why am i so down today! omigod. this is so not me.
sometimes i find it damn hard to talk to bryan. its like, he doesnt do it purposely but sometimes he just sounds so condescending and stuckup.
i know he doesnt mean it but its quite ahnnoying. he jus said

bryan sum/netherdrake says:
but you have like no goals man
rachel-sarah TayHuiSTAR says:
bryan sum/netherdrake says:
rachel-sarah TayHuiSTAR says:
i got goals okay
bryan sum/netherdrake says:
really i cant help it but feel like my life is so screwed up and useless! not like i haven been feeling that way since ever. and the results. ah well. i just was being too optimistic. if all of us were to breakdown. then there will be noone to comfort the rest. i cant breakdown. i wun breakdown. everyone thinks im immature and insensible. maybe i am. maybe im not. what to do to show that im not. idk. why cant i remain immature? why must i grow up. why cant i stay immature forever. i dont wana grow up. i dont want all those responsibilities. its scaring me. its like this period of time where we are all going for uni openhse and dealing with uni apps. its freaking me out. i feel so helpless because it feels like im growing up so fast all of a sudden. i dont want that. i know im being insensible and childish by saying that. i dont care. i need to rely on someone. i always had to depend on someone. but when im going for uni i wun have anyone to rely on. i might wither and die if i have noone to rely on. i admit it im not independent. maybe i nvr will be. no matter how hard i try or how many times i tell/prove to others that i am. but i know myself. im not independent at all. i cant survive alone. i need people there for me. with me. thats why i feel im a super lousy fren. because i feel like im always making use of people. i hate myself for doing that. im such a bitch. i use people and then throw them away after i dont want them anymore/ get sick of them. i hate it but i cant not do it because im dependent on others. why cant i be independent? others can do it why cant i?

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