1. i feel super useless at work today. i kept screwing up. i totally felt like quitting
2. okto flew off today :( im gona miss him so much. and i cant even think abt the fact that im nvr gona see him again. its just so saddddddd
3. im still spending and eating alot shit. it sucks because i emo over this fact and when i emo, i'll eat and spend even more omg. vicious cycle :(
4. tday was such a lousy and bad day. i was super unlucky too. waited 7mins for the mrt O.o wtf right i know. missed the shuttle bus to bbdc. had to cab there because i mental block and cant rmb which direction to walk towards. and i was caught in the rain so many times today. the whole way through when i was getting rained on, i was like OMG OMG imma die imma corrode and die. OMG my kids are gona be retarded NONONO.
misery attracts company probably. meimei is down and sick with something. haha super funny. and since the prince charming isnt available for now, i had to stand in. i super nice okay i walked out of the way to dabao dinner for her lor!
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