so right, smuuu still haven called me. im starting to worry. ALOT
let me blog about my life. nth much is happening haha. uhh work is the same, just that my boss mc ytd and halfday today so i could like partyyyyy ;p O and D are still bullying me as usual. :(
haha. not driving this wk. next week bahs. frenss... haven seen em much this wk. nope haven seen em at all. except for fj cuz she came my hse to pass me smth. yup and van ;D i think this wk is the most boring one ever since work started. like i dont have any activities aft work. oh i went shopping on tue.ohwell. uhhh then guys... recently reconnected with one. haha he said he previously msged me in camp but i didnt even receive any of the msgs and that was kinda long ago. then i met him at nus openhse! :) and now we started toking abit. need to meetup with him soon. maybe over the weekend when he bks out. see how bahs. another one, some older guy. idk how to reply to smses like 'hi you free now mah?' or 'hi what u doing?' i mean, once or twice is okay, but no! whenever he starts a convo with me he always texts one of those 2 msgs. omg. see alr also dont feel like replying lah. daoed him for a few days, going a week maybe. but he didnt get it and still cont to sms me. zzz aish, finally decided demure girls cant be bitchy and replied him but uhhh. think i shldnt had.
maybe i shld just date some guy for the fun of it. maybe the navy guy. haha. since i have nth to do now until august and im like freaking bored. but uhh hes short haha. whenever i think like that, i'll rmb how it was when i dated someone for the fun of it and when i didnt like him. think i was quite bitchy. no guy should be treated that way. okay. what shld i do! it just isnt half as fun texting girls. ohwells. need more guys in my life. tall ones too. tyvm.
its not fair how one can be like bochup even though i wasnt even the one involved but apparently im the one who wants it more? LOL i dont know what im writing here. trying to hide something hence im using really vague words (i hope) i think noone can understand what im saying. good.
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