Friday, March 25, 2011


quite alot of things happened today! let me start from the beginning.

has started taking 970 to work instead of the trains, its so much better even though i have to walk a farther distance to take the bus cuz i can SIT DOWN and SLEEP on the bus and i dont have to squeeze with fat disgusting smelly sticky people. okay that sounded mean but nvms.
so anyway i always fall aslp on the bus since it takes quite a long way to reach my workplace. and its quite funny cuz everytime i wake up abruptly, there'll be a diff person sitting beside me. it was an uncle... and uncle... a CUTE GUY muahahah.

went to work and found out that was to be a mtg at 11am. and everyone dreaded it. (except me cuz it meant the big bosses will be away and i can slack) apparently they all liken the mtgs to be the same as a battlefield or smth. everyone will start shouting at each other. and D was in a super bad mood since this morn :( ohwells. and it turned out, the mtg was really horrible. this guy stormed out when it ended and according to sources, he banged the table and even pointed his middle finger underneath the table. WOW. our company is cool.

watson was a little friendlier to me today, out of the blue which is really random and unexpected. hence i decided to talk to her more and stuff lah. considered asking her to go lunch with us but didnt since D was alr in a foul mood. maybe next wk. had free famous amos cookies today! i like.

today super shuang. got called MEI NV twice by strangers. i like.
realised life is short and i had better make the best out of it. talked to someone i haven toked to for awhile. am glad i did that.and also i really dont want to be demure. its quite irritating. life is short i need to do what i want. not what others want me to. right?

went on a hot date today after work! happy! haha was supposed to watch suckerpunch but i decided against it since it ws super ex and im not really high on cashflow now. went to makan at swensen's! he booked out today and he was like some hungry pig lah. ate so much ;p cant believe hes alr been in tekong for 8wks? time flies.
so anyway i think theres this jinx thing that everytime he sends me home, we'll meet my family member. the very first time he sent me home last yr, we met my dad -.- after that it was my bro. and today we met my bro again omg. hahaha super jinxed.
had a great time catchingup! haven talked like this with him in ages :)

i hope that the guy who is gentleman enough to always carry a jacket around just in case any girl needs it can find a girl who will wear his jacket permanently! :)

will prob post pics tml :) i love pics. oh jo just signed in, he owes me my tigerrrrrr!

i love my frens because they know how bitchy i am and yet they still continue to hang out with me!

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