i have never ever been to one in my whole life and im always getting invites to my frens' churches but i never really found the time to go. but then (0kay this might sound weird), i kinda missed monday chapels @ AC. more so the songs part haha. so i decided to give it a go!
met shaun at REDHILL to go for his church. had cell group thingy first. and then dinner at HANS and finally the actual service.
I was like WOWed when i entered the place cause i never knew churches songs can be so high haha. but yea it was awesome. but during sermon i was rather bored. haha. but the pastor guy was soooooo into it. then later came this part whereby we were supposed to feel the holy spirit. and something happened. like some people started sobbing and crying. and there was this LOUD scream even. okay im gona be honest, at first i was like POOT (no offence) cause the guy's sobs sounded funny. but then something happened.
i dont know if its because i tend to feel down and even cry when i see others crying or maybe because something happened. But halfway through when i finally decided to put out my hands to let it rain on me, i actually teared. i dont know how it happened but suddenly all those stuff and issues and thoughts that were in my brain became more prominent(?) and then emotions started welling up in me. okay super weird yea i know. and thats not the weird part. the weird part is because before today, i couldnt even cry at all. like i tried and tried but cldnt even squeeze out a single tear. but then suddenly when i put out my hands,
tears actually came to me. okay. weird.
okay enough about the weird part. so service ended really late. like 1030pm? and i had no idea how to walk back to the mrt station haha. but luckily for me one of shaun's cellmate drove, and another also lived at bp so yeap i scored a free ride home:)
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