they always always dont think im capable of anything. like when i was in sec4 they said things like 'oh just go poly, u cfm cant make it into a jc' or like 'you sure u can get into a jc?' wadthefuck right. same for now. 'u sure u can get into a uni?' that kind of fucking statements. yea and now with driving too. im all like 'yay i drove to westmall and back' and they are all like 'yea im sure' or like 'why you so lousy' its so fucking irritating. i mean like its not even like they are my frens suaning me. for gods sake they are my parents and they are fucking looking down on me. way to raise a kid. not to forget yesterday i wore a short dress and my mum said i looked like a prostitute. she didnt even say it in a refined and nicer way.
and it doesnt only happen like once in a while. i mean its like my whole life. 'you sure u can do that?' 'why you so lousy? xxx so much better than you' 'you should learn from xxx'
what the fuck. i know im useless. but i didnt ask to be born
lol haha. ther r all kinds of parents apparently. weel dun be discouraged. more like use it as motivation to show them tt u r indeed capable haha