Thursday, January 6, 2011


what a tiring day it was omg. wells at least i didnt spend it nua-ing at home which is like the last thing i wana do. i cant seem to stay at home nowadays. im like I NEED TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE MAN. so i went for the recruit express interview wif jingyi at taka tday:) met yunting there! shes like working there omg cool much! went shopping around for awhile to wait for nicktan, seriously i should stop going cotton on. ive been buying so many things from there. but on the bright side im super happy cause i bought a pair of 'loafers' that im gona wear for all my driving lessons + tests HAHA :) had lunch together then went to camwhore at ORCHARD CENTRAL. it seems like i keep discovering new places to camwhore at haha! jingyi had to leave and i went to meet nick.

we were going jobhunting together! was gona go for walk-in-interview @ gongcha ORCHARD CENTRAL haha but gaveup. so we went for the other interview @ united square. and so this is how i got my new job. we are gona be working at lot1 from 17jan selling GUAZI and other new year goodies haha super funny. ehh come visit me and buy from me! the pay is like super low. but like nick says, for the fun and exp, not for the money.

oh and i met denyse at wisma before that! hahas and found out that joan was in town too. so we went to meet her and her fren for movie. LOVE & other DRUGS. it wasnt like fantastic but passable i guess. got nude scenes cool man.
anyways im finally going for driving lesson tml! felt kinda guilty cause i was supposed to have gone for it already but i was always getting home super late and so wasnt able to book the slots. so yeap.

i shall end with a pretty picture of me and my mance!

it doesnt matter if its just this one moment or if there are 10000 more of this moment. what matters is that it happened.

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