i started the year happy as i can ever be! with friends all still close with me.
Then... slowly, they started flying away, off to greater things. Kelleynne, biru and minyi :(
I rmbed that day, i woke up and saw the sms. I was rejected by NJC and i was going to ACJC. woah. i was kinda shocked i tink. I hurried to phone funjuin. She was still slping but yea we both got into AC tgt :) A consolation. Then came van's call. Wanting to noe if i got into NJC just like she did. The disappointment when we realised we werent going to the same school.
Just like that, we all separated... van in NJ, mich and jean in VJ, keejia in HC, sibyl in CJ. But at least i had funjuin and joantee wif me :) At that time i was still feeling a little sore that NJ din wan me:( But now i noe im way better off without you nj! I dunid ur fireproof unis ;D
The night b4 the first day of sch, i received a call frm my ogl. He informed me my og was EPEE. At first i was like wad? Your name is EPEE? LOL. Im retarded that way. I rmbed toking on the phone with funjuin aft that, and telling her Omg! My ogl's voice sounded niceee maybe hes hot!
The first day of jc was scary like hell. Im not the kind to be able to make frens immediately. I wun be able to open myself up to people i just met. Wif frens i can be like super HIGHH.
I can go on more than 24hrs without sleep and still be jumping around and be high. I can be HIGH the minute i wakeup even if its 5am in the morning. But its only when im with friends. If i only just met you for the first time, it might take weeks or months b4 you actually see my HIGH self. So i hate hate hate new starts. Making new frens. So difficult for me!
Then i met EPEE my og. There were i tink 16 of us? ZHihao, huiling, Madelene
Me, joanna, emelia,claire, sherlyn, jean, robyn, valentino, ervin, brian, sam, ruiheng, kian seng.
You guys were like the very first frens i made in AC and even though we arent as close now... But ur will always have a special place in my heart!
So anyways, with the hopes of having a hot ogl dashed (dun get me wrong ZHIHAO! i still love you :)), Epee proceeded with orientation days. At first i was sooooo nervous and scared about
orientation, like i din wana do stupid things. But then i realised, those were possibily the most fun days of my jc life :) Og outings to ervin's hse for guitar hero was a blast too! Even though his hse is soooo freaking far away frm mine. I tink i wasnt really into the og at first, cause i cant help but still be shy and everything. But later when i really wanted to be part of the gang, we all kinda drifted apart already. Wells, too late already.
Then, came lectures only week aft choosing our subject combi. I was a retard. I maxed my 13 credits by taking 4H2s - MATH ECONS CHEM PHY and an extra H1- GSC. At around this time, the circlet of 4 was formed. It was probably one of the happiest moments of my life to have the 3 of u with me everyday. 19feb we got tgt. It was new for the both of us and i rmbed aft sch, funjuin and i went to meet keejia and van @ KAP and aft i told them about you. keejia was like OMG. hahas.
And finally we were spilt into our different classes. I rmbed seeing my primary sch classmates around. Yijie, Belinda and jiunyang. I only didnt approach jiunyang cause we were only classmates for 2 yrs, unlike 4 yrs for yijie and belinda, so i thought he probably didnt rmb me. (Which i came to cfm much later when he confessed he forgot my name! STUPID BOY) So when the class list was posted up, i found out i was in the same class as jiunyang. wow. back as classmates 6 years later! So since we were both in sa3, on the very first day we were supposed to get into our classes, i told jiunyang to help save me a seat as i was gona be late. I went to 4.09 and realised the whole class was full of unfamiliar faces and i was the last person to arrive. Looked around, and realised that stupid jiunyang did not save me seat! (later i found out he actually did but the seat was right smack in the middle of everybody and it was impossible for me to get over there).
The very first fren i made in sa3 was YUDAO i tink. hahas :) If i din rmb wrongly, i was sitted beside yudao and quoc? So then, our form teacher came in. KSK. She was soooooooo..... URGH! The minute she came in she started scolding us for turning on the lights or something? Like wth. And continued to say something like.. So wad if your l1r5 is 7 or 8points? I dun care! They mean nth to me
Okay wadeva!
After awhile, cliques were formed. There were 8 girls and 17 guys in class and the girls were split into: me and panmeng, jingyi and shareen, zihan, nisa and cherylyn. The guys kinda jus mingled around. And no, i wasnt really gd frens wif stupid jiunyang yet, he kinda just stuck ard wif the guys and i was kinda still pissed he din save me a seat! Lol kidding. I tink, i wasnt really a gd classmate. I was always disappearing to look for unoehu during breaks and so seldom ate with the class and all that. I can only blame myself that i wasnt close to the class...
After like i tink 2 weeks of phy, i decided to drop physics all tgt. Hahas. My timetable was horrible since i maxed out my 13 credits and i really couldnt understand phy at all. (i also cldnt really stand our phy tcher ;p) I rmbed the first physics lesson khor asked us to take turns telling why we took/like physics. I tink i said something like... i dun like physics -.- and so khor was all like THEN WHY ARE U HERE? which i replied that i was gona drop physics already so TADA. HEH.
Anyways, came the time to choose a CCA! Ever since zhihao told me abt the bridge club, i was like almost certain i die also gona join bridge hahas. I mean i love bridge more than anything! So yea that was how i found myself in SGC. And i later went on to fall in love with the club:) bridge was a blast at first, with you as my partner. Yea i must admit your kinda gd. And we won several stuff tgt too. And friday nights at SCBA were awesome! However, despite how hard we tried, our team always never get to win anything in inter colleges comp. Sigh, but we still continued to give our best!
Around may, i got a new phone! A camera phone kinda. So i started turning into a ultimate camwhore. Especially going around to take pics with everyone so i can put the pics as the contact pics. I also went around camwhoring during lectures! Around june, something happened. And it brought jiunyang and i closer as frens. It might be mean for me to say this, but im glad that, that something happened, if not we probably wldnt ever be how we are today. So started, the brotherly bonds between us, going home tgt aft sch, sitting tgt in lectures, tutorials, eating tgt and what not. Oh yea. Must not forget this! Going toilet tgt! hahas more like going toilet tgt but me always needing to wait for u outside the toilet cause i pee faster than you ;D
all my hp contacts shots: hahas omg i tink we all looked so different then
Then, midyears i did really badly. I rmbed going out enjoying myself and not studying at all. Hence, i failed and got into SSP along wif nick zihan and yudao. This led to weekly tuesday morning sessions with daniel khor. AWESOME.
Throughout this time i was really really guilty. I wasnt able to juggle relationships with studies and wadsoeva. I neglected like all my frens just for him. And now that even my studies are suffering, i was really really in ultimate depression state. So i did wad any girl would normally do when shes faced with big issues.
I CUT MY HAIR. SHORT. The shortest ever since i was like 3-4yrs old? So i had a bob hair haha. My mum was soooo furious i did what i did and scolded me for cutting my hair without discussing wif her first since it was she who painstaking grew out my hair for me hahas. Wells, i thought to myself i needed a new start, hence a new hair will be a great way to start. :) I nvr really told anyone why i cut my hair so short. When pple asked, i just gave excuses. But yea. here it is. The real reason why i cut my hair short.
MY SHORT BOB ;D took this just aft i cut my hair!
After that, i kinda started making up to my frens, and my studies. But love is blind. cliche i noe.
But so true. I didnt last long and i started the stupid damn cycle all over again by hurting the ones i love so much. Pangsehing my close frens, lying to my parents, and totally ignoring my
studies. I guess i was just so caught up in the relationship that i wasnt me anymore. And up to this day i hated myself for that. Stupid huihui.
Then, there was occasional MCP outings and mugging sessions. I wasnt really part of the gang, cause i was always not dere ;( But i do wana be part of the gang. Its probably too late neway. On a side note, while mugging with them at plaza macs, i witnessed my first ever GANG FIGHT! hahas
I dunoe when exactly it happened. But i guess i was just sick and tired of everything you've ever
done to me. I was tired of all the hurt pain and tears in the relationship. Sick of doing everything
i could for you but receiving nothing back but my own disappointment and tears. And i also hated the person i had become. Or perhaps, i just saw... the light. HAHA. Like i finally understood that you were not worth it. Not worth me hurting my loved ones for you. So i decided that it was time we put a break to things.
Luckily, it all happened before promos. We had a timeout period b4 promos so that i could like focus on my studies. And yes! After failing every single math tests and exams for 1 whole year. i finally, got an A for my promos. WAY TO GO ME! ;D my promos grades werent awesome, but yea they were gd enough :) I also got back my friends :) And i finally could live my life without feeling guilty i was lying to my parents. I still wasnt close to sa3 like i should be, but i was close enough to panmeng, jiunyang and yea jingyi :)
Aft promos came the long awaited BEIJING TRIP OF 12 DAYS ;D And i met my babe for the first time:) The beijing trip was alot of things. I met this grp of pple who went on to become friends i tink i will have for life BANGGANG :) and i also met my babe. If i din go for the trip, we prob wldnt be what we are now babe! Anyways, the trip i was sooo looking forward to, for many reasons. Reasons like... how i was gona go on a trip wif my meimei, my bf, my best guy fren june, and also how much i wanted to eat PEKING DUCK ahaha ;D I tot i was like the most fortunate girl in the world or something, going on this trip. But i wasnt really right. Alot happened and even though i'll still go for the trip if i was given a second chance, but i wasnt really like happy 24/7 that i thought i would be. And it was also through this trip that we finally realised it was never gona work out. Yea after like 10mths den we finally realised this. Abit late, but nonetheless at least we worked it out.
wif my beijing classmates!
A few days after the trip, 15 DEC (also known as rom and bryan's bday -.-) we finally finally, ended things between us. We took long enough. So yeap, it was cool cause it was mutual and everything and i thought we would remain friends. We tried tho, but it probably was never meant to be.
this time, once again i started the year a happy girl. I had grown to love sa3 and i just couldnt wait to start the year again since now i have f4 and everything:)
I also started the year making the resolution to focus on my studies and that studies will be my new bf.
Other than my studies, i also decided to focus on bridge. I got into the EXCO and became the bridge captain and We also got a new coach. Probably the coolest coach in the universe :) ROM THAM if ur reading this you should be so honoured! And yes i do like you like alot :) And i wana thank you like many many for being the most awesome coach ever. and yea for all the icecream treats too haha. I also made alot of new friends through bridge. People from hc, rj, vj, cj and even jj, Friends that later went on to become a part of my life and also my smsing buddies hahas:) you guys noe who you are!
bridge exco 2010!
i tink... its was around feb? during hwachong cup that period of time. which was the darkest period of my j2 life. probably my whole jc life actually. your stubborness, man pride, immature and wadsoeva urgh. I thought i nvr had to deal with them again. But boy was i wrong. And this time round, you had to give me hell again, made me soooo hurt and all that even to the point of wanting to abandon bridge even though i loved it the most. But i wasnt as irresponsible as you so i still had to attend pracs. Anyways i'll forever rmb ur last words in the last phonecall we had. Call me petty or wadeva i dun care. That single line had me crying like hell.
After that when you finally left, i was able to go back to being myself again and living life happy again. But then, you had to like ruin it again like just weeks ago. Sigh. Made me so confused i didnt now what to do. Someone pointed out that what you did was a coward move. I rather u coward than actually meet me facetoface. I noe its been so long, but to this day, i still dun tink i can stand looking at you or hearing ur voice without feeling umcomfortable and stuff. Thats why i hated it when people around me go like... hey, dun u wana go take a picture with him? Or hey isnt that him? To you guys i may seem heartless but ur dun even noe the full story so yea.
Enough of the shitty stuff, let me continue with the year then!
there were loads of fun stuff that happened. i became closer frens with jingyi and christine.
i also found out that everyone around me had a problem. I felt abit lonely since everyone else had problems and i didnt. so i decided i had to find myself a problem. (yes im super childish) At the same time, you came into my life. Sigh, and so it was settled as that, that your my problem now, just that you had no idea abt it haha.
At the start of the year, i also made rather many shopping trips, with FOOJIUNYANG in particular hahas. And i kinda mastered the art of male shopping ;D
Exhange students from beijing came over! And i was happy to be able to host li chang ;D
Came funorama! And its was sooo AWESOME:) super tiring but worth it cause sa3 bonded so much ;D love everyone who made the day so successful!
And then, there was you:) Even though we only spent like a really short period of time tgt but i was really happy then. The cards, the cola sweet (my fav!) and even the switching of our handphones. Hahas that one was quite farni i tink. Like you dint dare take out ur phone cause udin wan to let others see that ur phone was pink ;P The movies tgt too! Sorry i was bad to you, i tink im just a bitch thats why. But i noe u deserve a much better person! So yup i hope you find her soon:) And im really really really happy that we are still close even now!
Then, i tink somewhere about this time, shauntho came into my life HAHA ;D we kinda clicked and became gd frens and started bridging tgt :) Okay i owe u alot because my very first medal was won tgt wif you! I'll forever rmb that night at SCBA! I rmbed i was like actually so so so excited that aft the first part we were 2nd place, but i kinda just remained a straight face cause i was so scared i'll screwed up and mess things up! Which i kinda did actually, and when results were announced, i was just so disappointed cause we were 4th and missed the medal by like a itsy bit, which was all my fault! But u were super nice and everything, consoling me even though u must had felt like super disappointed too? Sighs. But in the end the night ended with a bang, because the results were wrong and yes WE WON 3RD PLACE hahas ;D
HAPPIEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE OR SMTH ;D after 1yr plus of contract bridging and like a lifetime of bridging, i finally won a bridge medal!
and then, came nationals and i was adopted by my pretty ma and tall pa ;D
love team!
And came my birthday yaye ;D A night full of camwhoring hahas. I was uber touched by wad u guys had done for me! Especially june! Hahas i rmbed i was so pissed cause u pangsehed me the whole day dunoe disappearing to dk where and even had DC -.- But actually you were going around doing the collage bk thing for me. THANKS MILLIONS! Anyways found out the BURST function in june's cam and we sure put it to gd use ;D
Along the way, i became my babe's dude. Okay i became a guy as you all can see by now because my fb says : TAY HUI YI JUST COMMENTED ON HIS STATUS
hahas. loves my babe many many!
Graduation day was simply more camwhoring. It was kinda sad, but of course there werent tears and stuff ;P
A's came. and went. ;P hehes. Im not gona tok about it, other than the fact that i was stupid enough to result in regrets for my very last paper.
Anyways, i tink that the catalyst that really finally drove everyone to become closer and tigher was graduation. I tink i became much better frens with everybody aft graduation. Might probably be because we all know that we werent be able to spend our days tgt like this anymore and very soon we were all gona go our separate ways. Its times like this that i hate to be in a class with so many scholars. I mean, after we graduate, they are all flying back and away, out of my life. We might probably nvr ever see each other again. As time goes, we'll probably even forget about each other. I dun wan that. I dun like :(
I was always jealous of girl cliques. I wanted to be in a girl clique, sure i hav my jean gang in sc. but in ac, not really. There are only 6 girls left im my class. And its not like we all really clique tgt and be like girly girl. Sigh. Maybe its just me, but i find making guy frens much easier than making girl frens. I tink, i prefer being a bro to guys. thus came the BROMANCE.
After A's i tink i became chummier with the guys in my class. (I LIKE THE WORD CHUMMY ALOT) okay maybe u guys dun like me (sigh) but i do like you guys alot :) Which is why im gona be thick skinnnnn and tok to you guys on msn and sms and wadeva like everyday or smth so that we dun drift apart. OKay if u tink its ahnnoying u can just come out and tell me. i dun mind hahas.
Prom night was a night full of regrets. For me, and for some others too.
My wish did come true on prom night. But, i also regretted not doing something. And then, for you, i tink i was the big obstruction that lead to your regret. Im so sorry i spoilt things.
In these 2 years, i experienced so much so much more than i ever had in my 16 yrs of life. All the new emotions, new experiences and wadsoeva. Regrets and all that. But its also the 2 yrs that i'll forever rmb and treasure in my life. I tink i came out of these 2 yrs more mature and independent.
Yes, i admit that even now i still do not have the guts to eat alone or go out alone, but in other cases i actually tink that im much less reliant on others. For example how i always always had to rely on june and have to have him there along during class outings if not i probably will not attend? But now im okay already, i can go out with the class without needing june to be dere. SEE? independent liao LOL. I also learnt alot of new things, seen alot of people, understood alot of things. All this had me deciding to not regret not doing stuff anymore. So thats why, the thing i regretted on prom night is not gona be the regret of my jc life because im gona do it.
Wow, this post ended up being so long. I tink i actually missed out quite alot of things, but wells
my brain isnt that good hahas. I believe i was soo super truthful in this blog post and will be in all my others, which is something ive nvr done b4. In the past i normally blogged regarding things on the surface only, always afraid that pple will find out what i really feel. But yea, frm now on, im gona be like an open bk. Wonder if its a gd thing or not! Anyways! im gona do another post being more people specific soon ;D TADA