Sunday, February 27, 2011

finally i have some time!

its sunday today and i finally found the time to blog and upload pics ;D i know i know ive been saying since forever that imma post pictures but i was just so busy! my lifes been a blur of work and driving and meeting up with besties!

okay let me trace backkkk! last sunday i went to visit my babe and bro at work! bro helping his aunt to sell wine at yewtee point :) wait a sec, that wasnt last sunday. that was last last sunday haha omg. time flies. i went to like cut my hair before that and now its super layered :( the person cut away alot of my hair so i have like some super short hair now (like not even shoulder length) and some super long. so anyway went to visit them and kinda 'helped' out too by giving flyers! realised i might have a knack for giving out flyers! and jy came over to give us our v-day presents! she made them herself ;D

lastlast monday was v-day! went to work as usual and nth much happened. Met my babe, bro and fj for NO STRINGS ATTACHED after work @ TIONG! natelie HOT STUFF. And exchanged presentssss ;D i made their presents till like 1am on saturday okay! hehe.

then met my mance on tuesday for LKY CHICKEN during my lunchbreak and i gave her her belated v-day present! LKY CHICKEN IS DAEBAK!

then for the couple of days after that i was working and driving. and finally went shopping @FLEA with my babe on the saturday ;D Bought quite a couple of things but i was super happy! Cause i bought this particular thing that im super excited about! my 88colour palette i love it so much omg.

then i forgot which day, i think last tue, i went to sp for lunch with my temp(haha)and also to meet up with my babe, fj, bro and junliang! Finally got to try the baked rice! it was not bad! I also started my fruit diet somewhere then. Recently my fruit intake is going up alot!

Then yesterday i went for driving in the aftnn and bromance movie 127hours with bro @LOT1. funny how my bro is the one who camwhores with me the most!

this was us trying to see hus eyes bigger. i think i won but bro said it wasnt far cause i had on liner and what not. cheeeeeee. sore losar lah.
after that my babe and fj knocked off from work and i met e for a super short while and went to meet songloser and kelvin to go jermayne's for MAHJONG! omg i super loves mahjong now! i won yesterday haha! like 2nd lah ;D but it was so fun and i like going ms sexy's hse cause theres like some crazy keesiao gas in the air so i kept going crazy and high. i like ;D

so anyway friday is results day (and im not gona think about it but who am i kidding ) planning to take leave on thur and friday! thur to go siao and play with myclass. the scholars are coming back this week and its super sad cause aft this i prob wun ever see em again. i dont want. so ive been trying to organise the classparty and outing but its super annoying cause people always dont reply. its super getting on my nerves! Am i like the only one who cares about the class???

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