okay i shall not think about it anymore. So right my brother keeps nagging at me to buy a new phone cause my phone is so horribly old :( I just cant decide what phone to buy! Since last year ive been saying i was gona get iphone5 but then it'll only come out in like sept? Super long wait! And so i said to my bro i wanted to get blackberry (pink) which he scolded me for cause bb sucks :( We have had this convo for the umpteen time! Him asking me to change phone and me saying i wan bb and him scolding me for wanting bb LOL. So i totally have no idea what phone to get if not for iphone5 and bb! My bro's phone is gd, HTC DESIRE HD. 4.3 inch screen super big. But i dont really like hugeeee screens. idk man seems like its the only gd phone ard! Bro insists i get an android. But his phone is not really super new even though it was out for less than a year!
anyways went shopping flea @PIT BUILDING with my dear babe yesterday! Bought a couple of things that are super worth it. And ONE THING THAT I LOVE LOVE LOVE ;D
My coastal scents 88 METAL MANIA PALETTE! it is just soso awesome ;D im super proud of it and proceeded to walk around the house parading it haha. So we went Republic of steak which ive only been there once, brought by my bro. and that was during prelims last year when i went smu to mug haha. so im quite pro! cause i manage to find the place again ;D i like like the food ;D my babe order ribeye with winesauce! OMG i tell you the redwine sauce is like heavenly ;D
-abrupt end of blogspot.
ohya panmeng is flying back and needs to rent a room! So anyone with lobang pls tell me kay! thanks ;D
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