Sunday, February 27, 2011

finally i have some time!

its sunday today and i finally found the time to blog and upload pics ;D i know i know ive been saying since forever that imma post pictures but i was just so busy! my lifes been a blur of work and driving and meeting up with besties!

okay let me trace backkkk! last sunday i went to visit my babe and bro at work! bro helping his aunt to sell wine at yewtee point :) wait a sec, that wasnt last sunday. that was last last sunday haha omg. time flies. i went to like cut my hair before that and now its super layered :( the person cut away alot of my hair so i have like some super short hair now (like not even shoulder length) and some super long. so anyway went to visit them and kinda 'helped' out too by giving flyers! realised i might have a knack for giving out flyers! and jy came over to give us our v-day presents! she made them herself ;D

lastlast monday was v-day! went to work as usual and nth much happened. Met my babe, bro and fj for NO STRINGS ATTACHED after work @ TIONG! natelie HOT STUFF. And exchanged presentssss ;D i made their presents till like 1am on saturday okay! hehe.

then met my mance on tuesday for LKY CHICKEN during my lunchbreak and i gave her her belated v-day present! LKY CHICKEN IS DAEBAK!

then for the couple of days after that i was working and driving. and finally went shopping @FLEA with my babe on the saturday ;D Bought quite a couple of things but i was super happy! Cause i bought this particular thing that im super excited about! my 88colour palette i love it so much omg.

then i forgot which day, i think last tue, i went to sp for lunch with my temp(haha)and also to meet up with my babe, fj, bro and junliang! Finally got to try the baked rice! it was not bad! I also started my fruit diet somewhere then. Recently my fruit intake is going up alot!

Then yesterday i went for driving in the aftnn and bromance movie 127hours with bro @LOT1. funny how my bro is the one who camwhores with me the most!

this was us trying to see hus eyes bigger. i think i won but bro said it wasnt far cause i had on liner and what not. cheeeeeee. sore losar lah.
after that my babe and fj knocked off from work and i met e for a super short while and went to meet songloser and kelvin to go jermayne's for MAHJONG! omg i super loves mahjong now! i won yesterday haha! like 2nd lah ;D but it was so fun and i like going ms sexy's hse cause theres like some crazy keesiao gas in the air so i kept going crazy and high. i like ;D

so anyway friday is results day (and im not gona think about it but who am i kidding ) planning to take leave on thur and friday! thur to go siao and play with myclass. the scholars are coming back this week and its super sad cause aft this i prob wun ever see em again. i dont want. so ive been trying to organise the classparty and outing but its super annoying cause people always dont reply. its super getting on my nerves! Am i like the only one who cares about the class???

Sunday, February 20, 2011


i haven felt such frustation for such a long time already! But today i almost cried when i was driving urgh. i was just so freaking frustrating with all the reversing and moving forward and stalling and striking curb. and just so freaking pissed at myself and kinda at the instructor. i mean i could do it that night! like super perfectly! And it was at night somemore. How come i couldnt do it in the day? If i was taking my test, it would had been immediate failures with the 10plus times i kept reversing and retrying. So mad at myself for wasting time and money!!

okay i shall not think about it anymore. So right my brother keeps nagging at me to buy a new phone cause my phone is so horribly old :( I just cant decide what phone to buy! Since last year ive been saying i was gona get iphone5 but then it'll only come out in like sept? Super long wait! And so i said to my bro i wanted to get blackberry (pink) which he scolded me for cause bb sucks :( We have had this convo for the umpteen time! Him asking me to change phone and me saying i wan bb and him scolding me for wanting bb LOL. So i totally have no idea what phone to get if not for iphone5 and bb! My bro's phone is gd, HTC DESIRE HD. 4.3 inch screen super big. But i dont really like hugeeee screens. idk man seems like its the only gd phone ard! Bro insists i get an android. But his phone is not really super new even though it was out for less than a year!

anyways went shopping flea @PIT BUILDING with my dear babe yesterday! Bought a couple of things that are super worth it. And ONE THING THAT I LOVE LOVE LOVE ;D
My coastal scents 88 METAL MANIA PALETTE! it is just soso awesome ;D im super proud of it and proceeded to walk around the house parading it haha. So we went Republic of steak which ive only been there once, brought by my bro. and that was during prelims last year when i went smu to mug haha. so im quite pro! cause i manage to find the place again ;D i like like the food ;D my babe order ribeye with winesauce! OMG i tell you the redwine sauce is like heavenly ;D

-abrupt end of blogspot.
ohya panmeng is flying back and needs to rent a room! So anyone with lobang pls tell me kay! thanks ;D

Friday, February 18, 2011


its finally the weekends and i dont have to wake up early tml! YESSSS ;D tday was quite cool. i wokeup late, left my house late but still arrived at work earlier than normal. weird right? Anyways my super strange sleeping thing is happening again! Every year there will be this time where for conseq days, i'll wake up in the middle of the night/morn (usually like 2/3am) and then turn the other way round to sleep so that my feet goes on my pillow and my head goes the other way. Strange right? Its like i'll auto wakeup and turn without realising it. I'll only realise it in the morn when i wakeup then i EHHH? how come i slping the other way round haha. I have come to the conclusion that this thing happens when im stressed? or maybe super tired. So basically ive been turning around in my sleep everyday for the whole of this week. And getting alot of dreams too. like 2-3dreams a night. And of all sorts of random things, eg last night i dreamt i got back my A's results and for once i know what i got. I just hope i really really can achieve something like that!

Went to IKEA for lunch tday! 8 of us cabbed there and it was so cheap ;D i like going for lunch with the senior staff cause we get to go back late! Like yesterday, we went lunch at TIONG and they said they wanted to go walk walk around and to meet back at guardian at 140pm (our lunchbreak ends 130pm) so by the time we train back, it was 2plus already HAHA. ;D i think im liking the IKEA meatballs more and more! Theres some super cheap discounted meatballs next week! Its like what 15balls for $4? CHEAP MADNESS! but you need the coupon. I DONT HAVE :( someone give me pls!

Still haven gone to SP for my baked rice! Was supposed to go today but last min change of plans to IKEA. anyway im damn fat boo :( Need to lose like 2kg. Been trying out a new diet plan which is to eat fruits for dinner/ snack on fruits. and eat big breakfast and lunches and small dinners. Not working so far cause been snacking on cny goodies at late night, which is only gona make me fatter shit. Hopes next week will be better! I thought of a dinner meal for myself. Gona cook tanghun + hotdog + meatballs yongtaufoo style and eat. Less fattening i think since tanghun no fat YAY.

once again i hav no pics! But nvm i will post pics tml ;D gona go shopping with my babe at FLEAAAAAAA!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


i have halfday tml cause i gota go for med appt. finally one day i dont have to leave my hse so early! anyways work has been so busy this past two days :( and when i reached home im super tired and in no mood to blog haha. okay im going to sleep now even though its only 10plus O.O im getting OLDDDD omg. on a side note. i like night driving!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


tml is valentines day. it is going to be a very sad one :(
i am having lunch alone. is packing my own bento for lunch tml. i just made tamago. dont know if it is edible yet, but i hope it is. haha

vday sucks when you are alone! :(

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

hello there!

been so busy during the CNY period i cant even be bothered to blog properly. so here i am! one day before im losing my freedom. (i sound like im enlisting tml HAHA) im actually starting my FOURTH (-.-) job tml! i stupidly signed a 6mths contract for that under peer pressure. but i have severe commitment problems so i prob only will try my best to last at least 2mths? heh. hopefully lah.

anyways im quite caught up in alot of things right now!caught in the midst of everyone's problems! once again im the only one with no problems. DEJAVU much! this is exactly what happened last year this time. But last year i was younger and stupid so i created a problem for myself. Now im older and more mature, i know better :) anyways yea it kinda sucks to be in everyone's mess cause i try my best to deal with em all. Like everyone pours me all their problems and im now filled to the brim with em. i might explode soon because of emotions overload. not that im pissed that they pour their troubles on me, im actually happy because it shows that i mean something to them that they will tell me their secrets and worries and problems.

my brain might overheat soon. i used to think too much. now im still thinking to much, thinking overly alot about my fren's stuff. and i have noone to unload these problems to. so they all just keep piling up. OMO. imma die soon haha.

then i have no time to care about/for my own stuff. like how im quite nervous about my new job tml. how im stressed about driving. my FTT is this friday. and i just realised its 1 more mth to results day OMG. and how I WANA WATCH BLACK SWAN. how valentines day is gona be...... hais HAHA. and how im kinda heartbroken maybe?oh whatever. been drinking for 3 days consec. nice i'll get super good nights sleep! and forget about everything for the time.

wish me luck for tml! i hope its a slack job like fj and my babe's then i can upload pics during work time and blog too! :)

Friday, February 4, 2011


yesterday was so busy, running around singapore visiting relatives to bai nian! and of course to get angbaos ;P i was super crazy cause i wokeup super early to get ready. like at 6am O.o haha i only had to leave the hse at 9am. thats cause curling my hair takes like 1hr+? i know right. so damn long lah. but what to do? i like curly hair! and also cause CNY DAY1 chu yi leh! must doll up pretty pretty ;D so it was on with fake lashes, lower liner and top liner blusher and what not. i love my floral top ;P i finally have floral things already! Just months ago i was complaining and whining to all my frens that i want floral stuff cause i dont have any. now i have like ALOT. anyways think i wore alot of things yesterday haha
-floraltop, vest, floral lace pants, snowflake hairclip, prom earrings, charles and keith love-of-my-life heels, floral lace handbag, rose ring, sister ring, pearl bangles.
wow i was super girly yesterday! rose+floral+pearls!

my family follows the same visiting routine every year! first stop is kelvin tay's hse then to grandma hse (my uncle gave us calsberg to drink and it was like 11am -.-) then to 3rd uncle's house, then to maternal grandma hse where we eat lunch. and then to my hse, and 4th aunt's hse. finally back to my hse to rest for like an hr? then back to maternal grandma's hse for dinner + gambling session ;D

that concludes DAY1. then DAY2 is just to my 2nd aunt's hse for lunch + gambling. EHH i was super lucky today! kept getting blackjack! ;D especially when ms sexy jermayne called me/ text me ;D

DAY3 will be to big aunt's hse and movie and gambling haha. but this year im going june's hse for dinner YAY ;D i hope we get to gamble tomorrow ;D

DAY4 will be going to bella's house for 2 feasts (lunch and dinner) haha. and more gambling and drinking! YESH.


DAY6 I need someone to go shopping wif me ;p

DAY7 im gona start my new job ;O

so anyway i shall post CNY pics here ;D
my family portrait!!!! we haven taken a family portrait in ages leh
I self timer-ed it man!
then show you picture of 4 chiobus in my family ;D

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

king of melon seeds ;D

last night i finally ended my 16days of work @ KING OF MELON SEEDS (KOMS). its my best job so far! haha even though thats not really saying alot since ive only done warehse and telemartketing besides KOMS. but seriously i love it alot even though work was hard at the beginning with people swarming the stall to buy peanuts and melon seeds especially. and even though you meet some mean and unfriendly customers now and then, there were tons of nice and friendly customers who make your work all worth it ;D
through the 16days, i learnt:
-to operate the cashier ;DDDDDD (this has been my dream since forever! i used to have a toy cashier haha)
-weigh a perfect 250g and 500g of items ;D
-keep on smiling whenever! even if the customer is frowning at you
-stay high and cheerful and everyone else will catch your cheerfulness
-smiling at someone makes the other party smile back at you too
-smiles are CONTAGIOUS ;D

hahaha i cant think of the other gd stuff that i had gotten out of this job but i know there are tons of them that ive left out. Mainly that i got to know a bunch of really awesome people! my KOMS co-workers (L)! they are what i will be/am already missing most.

this is me with my ms sexy jermayne! and ruby ;D
me and songyu who doesnt smile when taking pictures
me with the 'tanker' siewlin auntie ;D

me again with my ms sexy! ;D
sebas, songyu, me, jermayne and serene!
kelvin is in the photo now.
i didnt manage to get everyone in my cam :( so i dont have pics with joce and jerald cause they ended work like 2days before the actual last day :( but nvm will take more photos on outing day!

so anyway, yesterday thomasCHAODA came to visit ;D hahas. and guess wad!
he pluck me an IXORA ;D hahahahahah

joan came to visit me too ;D but somehow i cant post her pic here! urgh stupid blogger. nevermind then.
so like i wokeup at 6am today for driving again. driving is becoming my life -.- but im quite proud of myself! cause ytd i drove frm bukitbatok to jurongeast, back to bukitbatok then to cck then TO MY HOUSE ;D hahaha cause i asked the instructor if i can drive home. and he was like 'if you know the way, go ahead' haha he super nice!
after morning drive, i came home and then went to experiment with my makeup for tml. my mum says its THICK :( then went to fj's hse to pass her smth and chatted with her and bella for awhile ohwells. and i finally packed up my room! no more huge pile of clothes on my floor! FINALLY. i can see my floor again haha. im excited for tml! its CNY CNY CNY! but im like not really in the festive mood, yet. ironic isnt it? cause ive been working at KOMS! so i shld be more in the festive mood more than anyone else. but i think its cause i was so busy the past 2wks, i missed all the pre cny shopping fun sighs.

ohoh! on a happy note, my brother bought a new handphone! htc desire. you might be wondering what the hell am i happy for since its not me who got a new phone, but its cause! since my bro got a new awesome phone, he gave me his itouch MUAHAHAHAHA ;D im so so so excited to go buy my CASING CASING CASING. its gona be so PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY ;D
yes! i finally can tralala with my itouch during cny bored times. like when im going visiting or smth. and another thing im super excited about is..... GAMBLING BABEH! im gona go win some money tml ;D