Saturday, August 20, 2011

freaking 62 qns!

1. How old will you turn in 2010?
hahaha lousy old note that i dug up from 2009!
i turned 18 in 2010 :) but i guess my mentality only turned 12?

2. Would you rather love one person or have many short relationships?
u mean like just ONE forever? in a way its kinda sad isnt it? Just knowing love in one way ur whole life. I rather have many diff experiences. But then again, if i really love him alot. Why not.

3. Would you date someone eight years older then you?
Yea especially since someone i know is dating a guy 10yrs older HAHA <3

4. When was the last time you laughed?
prob <30mins ago when i was watching some crap youtube video

5. What were you doing at 4am this morning?
having an awesome dream :)

6. What's your relationship with the person you last texted?
GOATEE is my new bestie hahahahaha

7. What did you do today?
stayed home like a loser :( well i got grounded.

8. Who do you really want to see now?
some guy who is night biking now!

9. Will your next kiss be a mistake?
what kind of question is this? LOL
if it were to happen at a club... then i guess so?

10. Who's your last missed call?
wow my last missed call was last sunday LOL from mummy.

11. What's something you really want now?
i cant believe its only the end of first week of school and i already cant wait to graduate!

12. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
need to mug today!

13. Would you go back in time if you had the chance?
yea. i tend to have regrets :( sucks i know!

14. What is something you need to go shopping for?
well... a new pair of flats i think!

15. Do you want kids?
yesss i love kids <3

16. Are you in love with anyone?

17. How's your heart lately?
the hole is still there!

18. When was the last time you slept on the floor?
during iconserve camp?

19. Is your phone close to you?
just beside me.

20. What is bothering you right now?
being a bored loser staying at home on a saturday night because im grounded while everyone is out enjoying themselves somewhere else!

21. What does your last received text message say?
houses so near hahaha

22. Where are you right now?
my room :(

23. Are you listening to music right now?
yeap still camped at jan's blog listening to his pod!

24. Do you like country music?
okay lar

25. Do you wet the toothbrush before the toothpaste?
yeaa isnt that what ur supposed to do??

26. How is your hair styled right now?
not styled -.-

27. Do you like your first name?
my first name is...?

28. Last thing you drank?

29.Do you sing obnoxiously in the car?

30.What did you do 15 mins ago?
another note -.-

31. Do you think you are a good person?
kinda? but i do have the evil side to me MUAHAHAHAHA
and obviously i can be a bitch at times.

32. The first contact in your hp?

33. The sweetest person in your life?
i wonder!

34. The closest male to you now?
closest in what sense?

35. The person you are chatting with now?
msn jan

36. The languages you are able to speak?
eng, chi, limited hokkien!

37. The last person whom you screwed?
i dont screw people up!

38. One word about your life now?

39. Where do you wish to work?

40. What are you specially good at?
screwing up

41. Would you date someone younger than you?
yea. But it like depends... anything not more than 1yr younger should be okay if theres love.

42. Who are you to yourself?
a bitch who can be sweet at times!

43. Do you forgive people easily?
yea but i dont forget that easily :(

44. Which girl is precious to you now?
all my frens are!

45. Your dressing style?
short stuff LOL

46. How different are you from other girls?
kinda different but sometimes super similar! i have no idea what im saying here haha

47. The bad point in yourself?
its easier to list the gd points because theres none!

48. The last contact in your hp?

49. Your favourite song?
dont have ONE fav one!

50. The two hated contacts in your hp?
i dont hate anyone ;O

51. Learn one language in 10 days?
might happen if my future bf is from some other country like say, korea and i really love him so i will crashcourse korean!

52. One gorgeous girl you came across?
ohoh! this girl in my TWC class haha. shes kinda chio. ;D

53. Who's your biggest enemy?

54. Which gang do you support?
LOL the ATG!

55. What do you think of gangsters?
no comment!

56. Proper age to join gang?
for ATG its lifetime membership once ur borned :)

57. Do you have a blogspot?
yeap this!

58. Do you like people who smoke?
hate smokers!
but... i kinda wana try one cig to see how it tastes like. ya know, im young and im curious.

59. What do you think about modelling?
chiobus strutting their stuff. If im a guy, i'll be a photographer ;P

60. Given a chance, would you want to be a model?
duhhhh. the looks, HEIGHT and $$$!

61. Whose approval do you usually seek first?
depending on what the issue is!

62. What do you wish to be in the future?
HEHEHEHEHEHEHE. like my FA prof asked us to write down on a card, our answers to this qn " Where do u see urself in 10yrs' time"
I totally answered: happily married to the man of my dreams... LOL obviously thats not all to my answer larh! Dont wana tell you guys whats the rest of my answer HAHA ;p

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